A method of operation; for example, the binary mode, the interpretive mode, the alphanumeric mode. 一种操作的方式、方法,如二进制方式、解释方式、字母数字方式。
Mainly using interpretive mode, It rounded analysis and research majority function which need realized in decoding module, owing to finiteness of hardware resource in embedded system. 由于嵌入式系统硬件资源的有限性,本论文以解释方式为主全面的分析研究了数控系统中译码模块所要实现的绝大部分功能。
Then priority analyzing subroutine call and return function, presenting its implementation method under interpretive mode, presenting simple and reliable implementation control strategy of macroprogram under interpretive mode which settle the nonsynchronous problem between decoding task and total task. 接着重点分析了子程序调用与返回功能,提出了其在解释方式下的实现方法;提出了解释方式下宏程序简单可靠的实现控制策略,解决了译码任务与总体任务不同步的问题;
All thoughts exist in the web of language. Finally, we analyze the inner theoretical dilemma and propose the tentative interpretive mode. 一切思想都存在于语言之网中。最后,本文分析了戴维森意义理论所面临的困境,并尝试性提出意义理论的解释方案。